Wednesday, September 30, 2009


another night in west philly

Fri 9/25- Mini Oh! Pears at a party in West Philly. I still love to play dress-up:)

po is in the house

Sat 9/19- Went to a house party around the corner, with Po. Where else but in West Philly can you just walk into someone's house that you know from a friend of a friend, be completely welcomed, given a Sierra Nevada, listen to Philip Glass, meet a girl studying music history from Italy, and find out that the owner of the house is a massage therapist who gives special prices for friends and neighbors? No place else but West Philly. I love home:) Oh and we jammed on their piano too.

bike ride

Sat 9/19- Rode 40 miles, 2 loops around the Art Museum, then to the Conshy train station and back to West Phil. On my own for the 1st time:)

to an amazing person whose light shone so bright

Sat 9/12-


Sun 9/7- Took the Honda cm400 out up to Chestnut Hill and around Fairmount park. We are back for the season, boots and all.


Sat 9/6- Took the canoe out on the Brandywine to celebrate one glorious year, in life in love.

bike ride

Fri 9/4- Rode 28 miles from West Philly to Mount Airy and back........ran into some friends on the way.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

clean up your trash

I can't believe I just heard about this.............and it blew my mind. Not in a good way. There is a patch of plastic in the ocean roughly twice the size of Texas. The North Pacific Gyre is an area between the US and Japan where ocean currents act as a vortex, accumulating garbage from Japan, China, Alaska, Canada and the U.S which all concentrate into a specific zone of plastic trash the Northern Pacific Ocean.

The blue swirls are all the trash.

Consequently, I am thinking about trying to use less plastic...which is much easier said than done. Not using plastic bags is a great start, but I have come to realize that plastic lurks in places you wouldn't even think; aluminum cans have plastic liners, most food items that are packaged in "paper" like OJ containers are actually coated in plastic as well, not to mention things like toothbrushes and shampoo bottles......This girl from Chicago has got some good ideas, though.